Those were two awesome yesses I heard yesterday!
This saturday was indeed the wedding day of my best friend and his girlfriend. Two fine people who are sure to stick togheter like bees on honey. It was one bussy day with lotsa stuff happening, and frankly you had to be there to fully grasp what happend. So I'm glad I got to tag along that day as his witness. And I'm sure his photographers (friends from his school) had a blast too.
It is kinda odd somehow to see Lieven and Carla getting married, knowing that they are people of my generation, and in Lievens case, to see where he came from in life to end up where he is right now. The party was crazy too with all the relatives and friends who were present. The location was actually very nice too, a cozy white house with a fine dine/dance room.
Needles to say I haven't mentioned anything here yet, it would take me too many pages to write down all the stuff that happend. So for the rest of this blog I'll just post what little sketch I was able to put down in the second part of this week. But the wedding was definatly something to remember.

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