What is more dangerous then driving on the road?
Driving and drawing at the same time!
Now, not to worry, I'm not the one who is driving, I leave that to the busdriver. Yeah, no personal driver in a limousine for me, to bad.
But it has a lot of benefits in the long run:
*less stressfull
*you can do something else
The "something else" go's from sleeping and reading to drawing and listening to music. I have spend some time with reading some philosophical book by Fernando Savater, "ética para amador" or as they say in english, "the good life". A great book which you should definatly concider reading.

So yeah, I fixed the sketch on the bus and later during lunchbreak I found some time to ink it.
At an art school they might say that you need to use ink, or a special black brush for it.
But in my experience I find that a normal balpoint pen is the best use for me. I like to be in control of my line with every aspect.
By using a brush I am controlled by the shape of it, and with the special black ink pens I always need to change pens if I want a thicker line. Therefor I'm going with the normal balpointpen, which gives me a rather good manipulation on the thickness of the line.
But inking besides now came the harder proces, the coloring. Always a hard think to work with. what color to use what not. Dark, light, gray? Should I go for realism or cartoony. Yeah, I do tend to be stuck with a lot of options, but not to worry. It gets fixed in the end. And so I am able to present you with a colored version of the demon, yay for me.

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