26 April 2011
24 April 2011
My balpen skills
I read about that guy in a little free newspaper on the train called "metro", it might have been somewhere else though. But it doesn't matter where I discovered these balpen drawings, the important thing is that it gave me the motivation to draw something in the same technique. Sure mine isn't as photorealistic as his, but mine is only A4 sized and has no reference whatsoever. But who cares about that anyway.

In other news: apparently spring has started again. A nice summer breese is flowing through the window and I hope it'll take a bit of this computer generated heat with him, or her. I'm not sure if the wind would be male, female or just plain genderless. But for the sake of imagination I'll go for female, cause really. Who wants to have a male wind burst through the window with an axe, a keg of beer and an "arrrrrr" while he trashes the place.
Then again, a female wind might be trouble as well. If she would slip in the room with the perfume she bathed instead of sprayed, nagging about the dirty clothes on the floor and complaining that the curtains don't match the carpet. Before you know it this female wind is transforming your room in a bubbly room of cutelsy.
So on second thought I'll go for the genderless wind that just flows inside the room carrying with it a sent of fresh mown grass, or newly blooming trees, or if I'm lucky the sent that comes up right before it is going to rain. Yeah, I can live with that one.
19 April 2011
17 April 2011
One man party
When I go to work right now I spend about 30 minutes on a train. This can be rather usefull to draw, read or sleep. But once in a while something happens in that time. Just like this week. As usual I walked on the train and took a seat. This time I did notice that almost all places were occupied except a little island of empty chairs. First I though, "yay lucky me". But then I noticed why the seats were empty.
As I sat down I noticed this guy, in the centre of the empty seat island. He was talking to himself, to the person in front of him (which was an empty chair) and during that half hour on the train he had sung, danced, commented on the good quality of Brussels and Antwerp, greeted other people who sat on the train. In general he had a little party going on in his seat. All in all it was actually rather funny to see and I couldn't help myself but make a little sketch of the situation.
12 April 2011
When I look at normal webcomics on the internet I see that most of them use the traditional way of stacking the frames. The biggest experiment most of the artist attempt is usually the looong drop down, when you have to scroll down more then just one webpage. This would be concidered the equivalent of scrolling through pages of a normal comic book.
Somehow I find it a bit frustrating that very few artist try out new ways of ordering their frames. Back in the day when the first artists made comics they had to make sure that the comic would fit inside a giving space in the newspaper or magazine. So the frames and layout was mostly done with that in mind. The same go's for comic books that were printed, the standard shape is a rectangle most of the time. If you want a special layout or shape of your comic book you have to be able to spend enough cash on it or else you just can't pull it off.
Most, if not all, of the comic layouts are based upon a standardised shape of a comic book that the printing factory once concidered the most practical and cheapest way to make them. I could be wrong of course, but I do belief that is a possible way of how it came to be this way.
Now, with the arrival of the internet and the freedom you experience on a webpage, you can do whatever you want. You can make the viewer scroll sideways, upside down and even diagonaly up to the left. Heck, you could even use still images with small animated backgrounds if you really wished. Of course some of those ways would be confusing for the reader, but its the freedom any person that hosts a website has. I would think that with this freedom a lot of artists would try to use this newfound liberty.
But, Sadly that is not what I see, for some reason a lot of artists still stick to the good old program of "left to right, down one row, left to right, down another row and stop when the complete layout looks like a rectangular". To me that seems like you get an entire empty house and you only use the bathroom to put your belongings. All stuffed togheter in a cramped space.
So with this comic I try to use the entire house as much as possible, in as much different ways I can think of. I don't claim to be succesfull at it and a lot of times I to get hooked to the old fashioned way. But really now, I would be stupid not to use something that has proven its succes in the past 70 or more years. But now with these modern ways of showing off comics I think we should embrace this technology and use it with the best of our abilities.
10 April 2011
Traveling through space

05 April 2011
03 April 2011
Black hole vacuum cleaner