Post number 110! uh what?
Today is February the first, it is now exactly one year ago that I started this blog, most of the updates were two times a week, with 52 weeks that should make 104 updates. So what are those six extra updates you might wonder. Well they are the very first updates, before I got into the idea of updating twice a week. You see, when I started this blog I had no idea or structure for it, I was just going with the flow.
Now we are one year later and I'm wondering, what does this mean to me. Having a blog all that time changes a lot in my life. Sometimes forcing myself to draw a painting for an update at the last minute, sometimes having too much sketches for just one blogpost and having to keep them for next week. More then once I've been drawing throught the night just to make something for this blog.
But what to do now? Should I continue the way I'm working or should I find a different concept? Updating three times a week or only one time? I could add poetry to my list of updates. Imagine that one colored drawing on thursday, a sketch on sunday, and a poem on tuesday. Its definatly within my reach, but I'm not sure if the quality of weekly poems would be that good.
Another idea was the making of a sort of webcomic. Making one frame every day and posting it. I'd only have to make sure that the frames would have something to do with the previous one. That way a story would unfold over the period of one year. But since I havn't planned anything in advance it would probably be as crazy as "alice in wonderland". Updating every day though seems a bit more of a challenge.
As a celebration for the birthday of Weekly procrastinations I'm going to update this post with some art and a clip of how I made that drawing. I hope that the following year will bring some other interesting things along.