The astonishing efforts of a procrastinating artist!
Norwegian stave church by ~wulfnstein on deviantART
Well, its the last communion of this generation, now its up to us to get kids and get them to do communions. Or some other party instead of it. But anyway this saturday my little niece had hers. And just like I had done for her sister, I also gave her an A3 aquarell painting. A few months ago she gave me the subject she wanted.
For this painting I went to the store to get me some masking paint. I know how hard it is to get the color all smooth and equel in the sky or on the water. Especialy if there are other parts in its way. So this masking paint was sure to help me with it. First time ever that I used it, but definatly worth it, cause now I know how to use it propperly.
The drawing itself has a few babies in it for cuteness, one girl who isn't a fairy and mushrooms. The not-fairy-girl can be anything from thumbelina to just a human who was shrunk to that size. I leave that up to your imagination. The babies are sorta in opposite positions and the little kid in the waterlilly is making the connection between them through a rectangular triangle.
The communion itself was pretty interesting, some fine food, a great desert and a fine revenge for me. With her older sisters communion the kids had stolen my shoes because there was a bouncy castle which I had gone into of course. So this year they were very eager to get me in the bouncy castle again. Though I didn't gave in this time. It went on for a few times that evening. So late in the evening, right before I left I said goodbye to the kids who were watching a movie inside the house.
And then it hit me.
Most of the kids are in one place, which is not outside and which is not near their shoes. They were all very confident that I wouldn't do anything cause they still had their shoes lying next to the bouncy castle. So what did I do. I took on shoe of each pair and then dropped the shoes somewhere else in the house. Not that far away, not that hard to find. But still away from their original spot.
The only sad part is that I didn't get to see their reaction. But knowing that they will be supriced by my revenge action is sweet enough. But anyway, here is the painting I had made for my little niece.
I havn't tried the bread trick yet. But the person who told me was pretty darn well convinced it was a good way. Just like you can fixate a painting with hairspray. That second one I knew, but I had never before heard of the bread eraser. Tomorrow I'm going to try that, and no I'm not going to eat the piece I used.
So today I will present you with the sneeze comic. Its something I have had in mind a couple off times. When I'm working in the store I sometimes sneeze. I can't sneeze on the merchandise and it would be sorta unethical to sneeze in my hand and then touch all the clothes with that hand. Thus the solution would present itself as sneezing away to my side.
Now when sneezing you close your eyes and don't really pay attention to what is in the fireline. Its also fun to exagerate a sneeze. Go loud and make a big move, and of course after it go "aaah, that was good" and maybe add a sniff for expression. But anyway. It hit me that if I sneezed in the store there would actually be a good chance of sneezing on a customer.
A customer itself is not really fun, its more fun to sneeze on a kid. Cause they will have a more expresive response to it. So frankly, I find it funny, that concept. There is only one problem with making a comic about it. The scenario in my mind is perfect and funny, but its almost impossible to get that feeling, those expressions, and that mood onto paper. I tried a lot of different ways in that last pannel. the eyes, mouth pose, it was all wrong at one moment in time.
I also spend quite some time on the "aaghtschpeww". Tried different versions of that sneeze. Like atchoem, ahtschoum, aaaaahpew. But somehow I think the onomatopoeia that I used is presenting you with every feeling you can have in the sneeze. At least in my opinion.
So the result is my best try at drawing the expression that I wanted. The expression of disgust, sadness, "whyyyy?", cry, disbelief and maybe even a vomit to it. Ow well, I'm sure I got the point across and I hope your imagination will do the rest.